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Org Design

RAPID vs RACI vs RASIC Explained

Decoding organizational models 'RAPID', 'RACI', and 'RASIC' will give you clarity, efficiency, and effectiveness in roles. Rapid vs Raci vs Rasic

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Organizational models are essential tools that help in defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes within teams. Three popular frameworks that serve this purpose are RAPID, RACI, and RASIC.

While they might seem similar at first glance, each has its distinct approach and use cases. Let’s dive into each one and understand their differences.



RAPID is an acronym for Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, and Decide. It’s a decision-making framework developed by Bain & Company, designed to clarify roles in the decision-making process.

Key Features

  1. Recommend: Propose a course of action.

  2. Agree: Give formal approval or veto power.

  3. Perform: Execute the decision.

  4. Input: Provide information and data essential for making a decision.

  5. Decide: Make the final decision.



RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It is a matrix used to allocate roles and responsibilities.

Key Features

  1. Responsible: Who completes the task.

  2. Accountable: Who ensures the task is completed and has final accountability. There should ideally be only one accountable person per task.

  3. Consulted: Whom you communicate with for feedback.

  4. Informed: Whom you notify once a decision is made or a task is completed.



RASIC is an extension of RACI and includes the 'Support' role.

Key Features

  1. Responsible: Who completes the task.

  2. Accountable: Who ensures the task is completed.

  3. Support: Who provides resources or plays a secondary role in execution.

  4. Consulted: Whom you communicate with for feedback.

  5. Informed: Whom you notify once a decision is made or task is completed.



    • RAPID is primarily for decision-making clarity.

    • RACI is for delineating roles and responsibilities.

    • RASIC is similar to RACI but with an added emphasis on supporting roles.


    • RAPID is simple, focusing solely on decisions.

    • RACI provides a broad overview of task responsibilities.

    • RASIC is more detailed, adding the dimension of support.


    • RAPID is ideal for organizations with a need for clear decision-making roles.

    • RACI is versatile and can be used in various scenarios, from projects to processes.

    • RASIC is best for environments where roles are diverse and require more than just responsibility and accountability.

RAPID vs RACI vs RASIC : Which one to choose for better decision making?

Choosing between RAPID, RACI, and RASIC depends on your organization's needs. If decision-making is your primary concern, RAPID might be best. If you’re looking at project management and clear role delineation, RACI could be the go-to. And if your environment demands a clearer identification of secondary or support roles, RASIC is the answer.

Each framework has its strengths, and the key is to understand the nuances of each to determine which fits best within your organizational context. Always remember, the goal is clarity, efficiency, and effectiveness in roles and responsibilities.

Aveem Memon

Aveem Memon

Product & Growth @ Agentnoon


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