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Agentnoon CEO's Insights Featured in Exclusive Bloomberg Interview

Out of 1,497 startups exhibiting at Collision, Agentnoon was the only one featured by Bloomberg and other leading media channels.

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The Collision Conference is one of the biggest events in the global tech and business world. Being held every year in Toronto since 2019, Collision provides a platform for entrepreneurs and investors to connect and explore new opportunities in the industry. 

Collision Conference 2023 attracted over 36,000 people from 118 countries and 1,497 startups, as well as 865 investors. Agentnoon was thrilled to participate in this event, and our booth was a success.

Out of those 1,497 startups exhibiting at the event, Agentnoon was the only one featured by Bloomberg and other leading media channels. This feature in Bloomberg sets Agentnoon apart from our competitors. It highlights the innovative and valuable work the team has been doing to transform the way organizations design their structures.

Summary of the Bloomberg Interview

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Ali Nawab, sat down with BNN Bloomberg to discuss how Agentnoon is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help CEOs make better organizational decisions by combing two of the most important functions of their business - Human Resources (HR) and Finance.

Let's delve into the specific details of the discussion.

  • In today's ever-changing business environment, companies must adapt to any situations that may arise quickly. Agentnoon uses AI technology to provide business leaders with accurate and current data, allowing them to adjust and adapt to changes in global workforce trends automatically. It also helps forecast the impact of their decisions on the business.

  • The current tools available to CEOs have limitations that cause delays in changes to our reporting system. As a result, executive leaders require more time to respond and adapt to market trends. This approach is not conducive to responsible business growth. It’s critical that businesses make frequent, incremental adjustments and avoid maniac growth and downsizing.

  • Integrating AI into businesses can create significant value. By utilizing AI in business processes that align with existing trends, there are opportunities to save time and costs while enhancing effectiveness.

The hype on AI is amazing because now we are in the consumer era of AI. The researchers have been doing their jobs. The builders have been building products. Everyone has experienced it. They had a chance to play with it and be wowed by the magic [of AI]. Now, we’re going to see some exponential changes happening. A lot of these companies have been doing fantastically well, as long as they can attach to something meaningful to the business.” - Ali Nawab.

  • Our current goal at Agentnoon is to increase awareness about our product. As we continue to scale, we have identified the ongoing technological advancements that can aid business leaders in solving problems. Investors have helped us scale faster, but we must grow in a responsible way due to the core of our product.

  • It is undeniable that government regulations regarding data privacy are essential. However, it is also crucial to avoid excessive regulation of software development that may hinder builders from creating new products.

We can build great software while protecting people’s data. The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.”, said Nawab.


It was a successful Collision experience for us in Toronto. We want to thank Bloomberg for featuring us and recognizing the innovative and valuable work we at Agentnoon are doing to transform how organizations design their structures.

The interview highlighted how Agentnoon's AI technology is helping CEOs make better organizational decisions by combining HR and Finance functions. It also emphasized the importance of frequent and incremental adjustments in response to market trends and how integrating AI into business processes can create significant value. As we continue to scale, we stay committed to growing in a responsible way and complying with government regulations while avoiding excessive regulation that may hinder innovation. 

Click here to watch the full interview between our CEO and Co-Founder, Ali Nawab, with BNN Bloomberg. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for updates!

Daniya B. Soomro

Daniya B. Soomro

Product Marketing @ Agentnoon


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